NHS 111 is a national telephone service being introduced to make it easier for people to access local health services when they have an urgent need. It replaces NHS direct and provides a general number for people to call when they have an urgent need, but not a life-threatening 999 emergency. Calls from landlines and mobiles are free.
Fully trained health advisors who are supported by a local Nurse Advisor will staff the South East London NHS 111 call centre. The health advisors will use a clinical assessment system – NHS Pathways – that enables them to assess a caller's needs safely and effectively and direct them to the right local NHS service using our local electronic Directory of Service (DoS). They may direct you to the local Urgent Care Centre.
IN AN EMERGENCY DIAL 999 and ask for the AMBULANCE SERVICE. For example those with a suspected heart attack, collapse, haemorrhage, poisoning, electrocution, burns or serious injury. Those with less serious injuries but which might need x-ray of possible broken bones, or cuts which need suture, may be taken direct to the Accident & Emergency Department.
View our normal opening hours.