Important: Appointment Request Triage via AccuRx
Patient Triage, The Way Forward
We have a Mix of skilled and experienced staff including General Practitioners, Advanced Care Practitioners and Physician Associates that are available to consult with. To enable appropriate use of these staff and to facilitate access for urgent and routine appointments we use a triage system with an on call clinician for same day booked appointments alongside booked routine appointments. Our Care Coordinators will email or phone you with a response to your online request, within 24 hours but usually within a few hours, depending on demand.
To access these clinicians, you submit a request via the link below
Provide as much information as possible about your symptoms/problem in the boxes provided
Our Care Co-ordinators will triage your request in, order of receipt, book a slot with the most appropriate clinician and will call/email you with the details of the appointment. This is likely to be a telephone assessment but could be a face to face appointment.
If you are given a face to face appointment for symptoms that could be related to covid you may be asked to wear a face-mask when attending the surgery
We start early so expect a call from 7.30am until 6.30pm (7.00pm on Thursdays).
When replying to your online request our GPs or NP will respond in one of the following ways:
- Directly to you via text with advice
- Telephone you with advice
- A face to face appointment may be offered if necessary
- A Receptionist may telephone you with advice from the GP
If you are asked to collect a prescription, medical certificate or letter please come after 1pm to allow time for the GP to complete this request
If you do not have internet access or need support, please call the surgery on 020 8856 1770 and pick option 6 to speak to Reception who will do a request on your behalf
We are receiving unprecedented amounts of online requests (around 900 per week) and all our staff are working hard to deliver a safe and timely service to all our patients. Help us to help you by accessing the ‘Self-Care & Self-Management Advice’ area on our website which gives current advice and 1st line treatments for many health problems. You can also try a local pharmacy for advice about a range of conditions. Please try this advice before submitting an online request.
If you feel your problem has become more urgent you can access NHS 111 online via NHS 111 online or telephone 111 for advice.
Contact your doctor online with AccuRx and get help by the end of the next working day or sooner.

Using AccuRx when the surgery is closed
If you require support when the surgery is closed (including weekends and bank holidays) you can still use the AccuRx service for self-help and pharmacy advice regarding your condition.
If you have a medical problem and you're not sure what to do, please use the 111 online service: NHS 111 online
As always for immediate emergencies, call 999.